The TADUS tractor – designed to be electric from the ground up

We are developing a tractor with a purely electric power transmission and distribution system. We are approaching this from an entirely electrical perspective, ensuring that the entire vehicle is perfectly tailored to the electric drivetrain. This results in a premium-class tractor that fully meets the requirements of agricultural operations, achieves the highest standards of energy efficiency, thereby saving significant costs, and at the same time, contributes to environmental conservation and resource sustainability.

Electric propulsion systems offer unparalleled advantages in agricultural applications

> 50% lower costs for repairs and lubricants due to significantly fewer moving parts in the electric drivetrain

> 75% lower fuel costs

To the example calculation

> No CO2 emissions when using self-generated electricity

> 50% longer lifespan

To the example calculation

> Battery efficiency and
Conversion AC/DC
h ≈ 95% x 95% = 90.25%

> Conversion DC/AC and electric drive efficiency ≈ 95% x 90% = 85.50%

(Source: WTT (LBST, IEA, World Bank), TTW, T&E Calculations).

When using self-generated electricity and suitable energy management on the farm

Furthermore, with the purely electric power transmission, we achieve significantly improved control and regulation, resulting in a simpler and more intuitive operation. Lastly, the noise and exhaust emissions are also greatly reduced, benefiting both humans and animals, as well as the surrounding environment.

In order to cover longer, high-intensity operations as well, we are also planning a fuel cell model. The powertrain remains the same as in the battery-electric model. However, the modular architecture of the powertrain and the frame construction of the TADUS tractor allow for the energy source to be replaced or supplemented as needed. For more detailed information about the powertrain’s exact configuration, please refer to this source.

Supported by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs through the Bavarian Energy Research Program