
22 June 2024, 10 am until 5 pm: Open Day at Staatsgut Grub, Prof.-Zorn-Straße 19, 85586 Poing-Grub – more informationen here

27 June 2024, afternoon (only for internal auiences in the morning): Lecture and presentation of the TADUS prototype vehicle at the HTL Ried (Austria)

10 July 2024, 9.30 am until 4 am: Workshop by Bayern Innovativ “Vernetzt und mit Energie: Neue Wege in der Landwirtschaft” (Connected and Energized: New Paths in Agriculture), at Huabahof, Königsdorf -registrationhere

June 19, 2024, 1:30 PM: Lecture “Modern E-Tractors and the Use of Renewable Energies in Agriculture” by Dr. Thaddäus Baier as part of the online seminar series “Agriculture as a Pioneer of the Energy Transition — New Insights and Good Examples” by the Agricultural Social Society; click here to register.